Older Children

These images are free to use. Feel free to customize and share via social media platforms, websites, patient portals, emails and other ways to reach your audiences/patients. We also encourage posting pictures from your own clinic and community.  See social media calendar if you would like to share your messages during the same period with other partners across California.   

Social Media Messages

Suggested Hashtags


7th grade sample message 1 (Spanish below)

Make sure your child is up to date on all routine vaccines before they return to school. Beat the rush! #CallYourPediatrician #DontWaitVaccinate

Message in Spanish below

7th grade sample message 2 (Spanish below)

Ensure your child gets their Tdap and 2 chickenpox shots needed for school. Ask your doctor for any other recommended vaccines, including #COVID19. #DontWaitVaccinate #PreteenVax #VaccinesSaveLives

Message in Spanish below

7th grade sample message 3

Some providers may be planning immunization clinics to meet back-to-school demands. #CallYourPediatrician now to make an appointment. Beat the rush!  #DontWaitVaccinate


7th grade sample message 4 (Spanish below)

Parents always prioritize their children’s health #1. Schedule #COVID19 shots for your preteen or teen and ask about any other shots they may have missed. #PreteenVax #DontWaitVaccinate

Message in Spanish below

7th grade sample message 5 (Spanish below)

 Vaccines can help keep your preteen and teen healthy, so they can continue going to school and hanging out with friends. Get some peace of mind by immunizing your preteen against diseases like whooping cough and COVID-19. www.shotsforschool.org  #BackToSchool #ShotsforSchool #DontWaitVaccinate

Message in Spanish below

7th grade sample message 6

Many kids have missed wellness visits and still need to catch up on their shots. Schedule a checkup today to keep your child protected before school starts. #VaccinesWork #DontWaitVaccinate #BackToSchool

College Student sample message 1 (Spanish below)

Get your #COVID19 vaccine and other needed vaccines to help protect you, your friends, and others around you against serious diseases. #DontWaitVaccinate

Message in Spanish below

College Student sample message 2

Vaccines can help keep you healthy, so you don’t miss classes and activities on campus. Get some peace of mind. Schedule a checkup today to protect against diseases like whooping cough and COVID-19. www.shotsforschool.org  #DontWaitVaccinate

Spanish Social Media Messages

Suggested Hashtags



7th grade sample message 1 - Spanish

Asegúrese de que su hijo esté al día con todas las vacunas rutinarias antes del regreso a clases. #EviteLasDemoras #LlameASuPediatra #NoEspereAVacunarse www.shotsforschool.org

7th grade sample message 2 - Spanish

Asegúrese de que su hijo reciba la vacuna Tdap y las dos dosis de la vacuna contra la varicela que necesita para la escuela.  Pregunte a su doctor si recomienda otras vacunas, incluyendo la vacuna contra el #COVID19. #NoEspereAVacunarse #LasVacunasSalvanVidas #VacunasAdolescentes.

7th grade sample message 4 - Spanish

Los padres siempre priorizan la salud de sus hijos como #1. Programe las vacunas contra el #COVID19 para su preadolescente o adolescente y pregunte si hay otras vacunas que le hacen falta. #VacunasAdolescentes #NoEspereAVacunarse

7th grade sample message 5 - Spanish

Las vacunas pueden ayudar a mantener saludables a sus preadolescentes y adolescentes, para que puedan continuar yendo a la escuela y saliendo con amigos. Obtenga un poco de tranquilidad al vacunar a su preadolescente contra enfermedades como la tosferina y el COVID-19. www.shotsforschool.org #RegresoAClases #ShotsforSchool #NoEspereAVacunarse

College Student sample message 1

Es probable que el COVID-19 y la gripe se propaguen durante el otoño y el invierno. ¡Vacunarte contra la gripe y el COVID-19 podría salvarte la vida! Somos más fuertes cuando todos estamos protegidos. Llama a tu médico y vacúnate hoy mismo contra la gripe. #NoEspereAVacunarse #covid19cafamilias