Flu: General Population

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Social Media Messages

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Protect Family

Getting a flu vaccine is an easy way to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community from flu. We are stronger when we are all protected! #DontWaitVaccinate #FightFluTogether 

Protect Family

As both flu and COVID-19 circulate this fall and winter, getting flu and COVID-19 shots can protect you and your family! #DontWaitVaccinate #covid19 #VaccinesSaveLives 

All + High-Risk (Spanish available)

Everyone 6 months of age and older needs a flu shot. Pregnant women, older adults, smokers, or anyone with chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, or heart disease are especially at risk. Check with your doctor or vaccines.gov for a location near you.

Older Children Flu

Getting ready for the holidays? Make sure that getting a flu shot is at the top of the list. This holiday season, spread the love, not the flu. Encourage your friends and family members to get a flu shot, too. #Don’tWaitVaccinate #Not2Late4FluVaccine

Not Too Late For Flu Vaccine

Did you know? It’s not too late to get a flu shot! Flu usually peaks between December and February, but it can spread as late as May. Getting a flu shot is an easy way to help you and your family to stay healthy. To find a vaccine location near you, go to: vaccines.gov. #Don’tWaitVaccinate. #Not2Late4FluVaccine

Safety Measures

We understand you may feel a little uneasy about coming into the doctor’s office, pharmacy or flu clinic for a flu shot these days. Hospitals and clinics are taking extra care to ensure patients are safe when getting vaccinated. #CallYourDoctor #ItsSafeToComeIn.

Not Too Late for Flu Vaccine

When is it a good time to get your flu shot? TODAY. Flu typically spreads starting in the fall and into the spring and peaks between December and February. Getting a flu shot can lower your chances of getting very sick with flu. #Don’tWaitVaccinate #Not2Late4FluVaccine

Lowers Defenses

Did you know? Flu can lower your body’s defenses to other infections. People with chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, or heart disease are especially at risk. Get your flu shot now. #DontWaitVaccinate

Late Flu Messaging

Has your preteen received a flu shot yet? Getting immunized against flu is more important than ever this year, because there’s a possibility of getting both flu and COVID-19. Call your preteen’s doctor today for a flu shot or visit vaccinefinder.org! #Don’tWaitVaccinate #Not2Late4FluVaccine

Some Kids Need Two Doses of Flu Vaccine!

Did you know? Children 6 months to 8 years old need two doses of flu vaccine if they are getting flu vaccine for the first time or have only previously received one dose or vaccine. This provides maximum protection against flu. Talk to your child’s doctor about the flu vaccine. #Don’tWaitVaccinate #Not2Late4FluVaccine

Toddler Flu Vaccine

If your child hasn’t gotten a flu shot yet, it’s not too late! Flu spreads as late as May. Children younger than 5 years old are at higher risk for serious flu complications. Call your child’s doctor today to schedule a flu shot appointment! #Don’tWaitVaccinate #Not2Late4FluVaccine

Spanish Social Media Messages

Suggested Hashtags


All + High-Risk

Todos quienes tengan 6 meses de edad o más tienen que aplicarse la vacuna contra la gripe. Embarazadas, personas de la tercera edad, fumadores o todos los que tengan una afección crónica como asma, diabetes o enfermedad cardíaca se encuentran particularmente en riesgo. Consulte con su médico o en vaccunas.org para tener información de un centro cercano en su localidad. #NoEspereAVacunarse