Flu: Older Adults
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Social Media Messages
Suggested Hashtags
Lowers Defenses (Spanish available)
Flu can lower your body’s protection to other diseases, including COVID-19. Older adults, smokers, or anyone with chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, or heart disease are especially at risk. Get your flu shot now! #DontWaitVaccinate #GetYourFluShot
Not Too Late For Flu Vaccine
It’s not too late to get your flu vaccine! Getting a flu shot now could save your life. Call your doctor today or visit vaccines.gov to find a location near you. #Don’tWaitVaccinate. #Not2Late4FluVaccine
More Important Than Ever (Spanish available)
Now is not the time to let down your defenses – both COVID-19 and flu will likely circulate this fall and winter. Call your doctor and get your flu shot today! #DontWaitVaccinate #FightFlu
#WhyIFightFlu #notimeforflu #FightFluTogether
Older Adults Are Now Recommended To Get A Higher Dose Flu Vaccine!
If you are 65+, ask your doctor or pharmacist about getting a higher dose or adjuvanted flu vaccine for increased protection from flu.
#DontWaitVaccinate #FightFlu
#WhyIFightFlu #notimeforflu #FightFluTogether
Spanish Social Media Messages
Suggested Hashtags
Lowers Defenses
La gripe puede disminuir la protección de su organismo para combatir otras enfermedades, incluido el COVID-19. Las personas de la tercera edad, fumadores o todos los que tengan una afección crónica como asma, diabetes o enfermedad cardíaca se encuentran particularmente en riesgo. ¡Vacúnese contra la gripe ya! #Vacunacontrainfluenza #NoEspereAVacunarse
More Important Than Ever
Ahora no es momento de dejar disminuir las defensas: el COVID-19 y la gripe probablemente circularán durante el otoño y el invierno. ¡Llame a su médico y vacúnese hoy mismo contra la gripe! #Vacunacontrainfluenza #NoEspereAVacunarse