Flu: Essential Workers

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Social Media Messages

Suggested Hashtags


Can’t Miss Work 1

When missing work is not an option, getting a flu shot is a must. #DontWaitVaccinate

Can’t Miss Work 2 (spanish available)

Missing work affects everyone. Get your flu and COVID-19 shots to stay healthy. Check with your doctor or vaccines.gov for a location near you. #DontWaitVaccinate

More Likely to Catch Flu & COVID (Spanish available)

Essential workers who are around a lot of people are more likely to catch flu and COVID-19. Don’t let these illnesses keep you out of work. Get your flu and COVID-19 shots today. Check with your doctor or vaccines.gov for a location near you. #DontWaitVaccinate

More Likely to Catch Flu & COVID 2 (Spanish available)

Essential workers are at higher risk of getting sick with both flu and COVID-19. If you catch both, you are also at higher risk for severe complications, including hospitalization and death. #DontWaitVaccinate

Flu Vaccination Is The Best Protection

Flu vaccination is the best way to prevent flu. You can’t afford to get sick. #NoTimeForFlu #FluShot #DontWaitVaccinate

Keep Healthy (spanish available)

Getting flu and COVID-19 shots is an easy and safe way to keep you, your co-workers and family healthy. #DontWaitVaccinate

Vaccine Saves Lives

The flu vaccine saves thousands of lives every year. Get your flu shot. #DontWaitVaccinate

Long-term Care (Spanish available)

Protect yourself, your family, and the people you care for against flu and COVID-19. People in long-term care facilities are most vulnerable. #DontWaitVaccinate #GetYourFluShot #GetYourCovidShot

Child Care (Spanish available)

Thank you for keeping our children safe, engaged and learning during these tough times. Remember now is the time to get flu and COVID-19 shots to protect yourself and others around

you. #DontWaitVaccinate #GetYourCovidShot

Not Too Late (Spanish available)

If you haven’t gotten flu and COVID-19 shots yet, it’s not too late! As essential workers, we need to protect ourselves and those around us, including family, friends, and coworkers. #DontWaitVaccinate #GetYourCovidShot

Spanish Social Media Messages

Suggested Hashtags


Can’t Miss Work 2

Faltar al trabajo nos afecta a todos. Póngase las vacunas contra la influenza y el COVID-19 para mantenerse saludable. Consulte con su doctor o vacunas.gov para ubicar un centro de vacunación cerca de usted. #NoEspereAVacunarse

More Likely to Catch Flu & COVID 1

Los trabajadores esenciales que están alrededor de muchas personas tienen más probabilidades de contraer la influenza y el COVID-19. No deje que estas enfermedades le impidan trabajar. Vacúnese contra la influenza y el COVID-19 hoy mismo. Consulte a su doctor o https://www.vacunas.gov/ para ubicar un centro de vacunación cerca de usted. #Vacunacontrainfluenza #NoEspereAVacunarse

More Likely to Catch Flu & COVID 2

Los trabajadores esenciales tienen mayor riesgo de enfermarse de influenza y el COVID-19. Si contrae ambas enfermedades, también corre mayor riesgo de complicaciones graves, que incluyen hospitalización y muerte. #NoEspereAVacunarse

Keep Healthy

Recibir las vacunas contra la influenza y el COVID-19 es una manera fácil y segura de mantenerlo(a) a usted, a sus compañeros de trabajo y a su familia saludables. #NoEspereAVacunarse

Long-term Care

Protéjase a sí mismo, a su familia y a las personas que cuida contra la influenza y el #COVID-19. Las personas que se encuentran en centros de atención a largo plazo son más vulnerables. #Vacunacontrainfluenza #NoEspereAVacunarse

Child Care

Gracias por mantener a nuestros niños seguros, captar su atención y apoyar su aprendizaje durante estos tiempos difíciles. Recuerde que ahora es el momento de vacunarse contra la influenza y el COVID-19 para protegerse a si mismo(a) y a los que le rodean.


Not Too Late

Si aún no se vacunado contra la influenza y el COVID-19, ¡no es demasiado tarde! Como trabajadores esenciales, debemos protegernos a nosotros mismos y a quienes nos rodean, incluyendo familiares, amigos y compañeros de trabajo. #NoEspereAVacunarse