Flu: Pregnancy
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Social Media Messages
Suggested Hashtags
Risks of Flu (Spanish available)
Did you know? Flu can lead to pre-term birth, low birth weight, and stillbirth of a baby. Getting a flu shot can save your life, especially during #pregnancy. #ProtectyourBaby #Getyourflushot
Flu Recommedation
Wondering if you should get a flu shot during pregnancy? Absolutely, YES! Flu vaccine is recommended during any trimester of pregnancy. Getting immunized during pregnancy also helps protect your baby from flu after birth. #Don’tWaitVaccinate #pregnancy. #ProtectyourBaby #Getyourflushot
Vaccine Lowers Risk (Spanish available)
Flu vaccine lowers my risk of #pregnancy complications. My flu vaccine protects my baby even after birth. We are stronger when we’re both protected. #ProtectyourBaby #Getyourflushot
Late Flu Messaging
Flu vaccination is especially important for pregnant women who are at higher risk of suffering flu complications, such as premature birth, low birth weight of the baby, and stillbirth. It’s not too late to get a flu shot. #Don’tWaitVaccinate
#pregnancy #ProtectYourBaby
Spanish Social Media Messages
Suggested Hashtags
Risks of Flu
¿Sabía? La influenza también puede llevar a un nacimiento prematuro (antes de tiempo), bajo peso al nacer y al parto de un #bebé muerto. La vacuna contra la influenza (gripe o ‘flu’) le puede salvar la vida, especialmente durante el #embarazo. #Vacunacontrainfluenza #NoEspereAVacunarse
Vaccine Lowers Risk
La vacuna contra la influenza (gripe o ‘flu’) reduce mi riesgo de complicaciones durante el #embarazo. Mi vacuna contra la influenza protege a mi bebé aun después de nacer. Somos más fuertes cuando ambos estamos protegidos. #Vacunacontrainfluenza #NoEspereAVacunarse