Vaccine Info
Immunizations are not just for children! CIC is dedicated to achieving and maintaining full immunization protection for all Californians. From birth through the senior years, immunizations will play an important role in your health, the health of your family and the health of your community.
This section provides resources and accurate information on adult immunizations.
- Find current recommendations for immunizations for adults and seniors, including travel immunizations.
- See what’s in the news about influenza and other adult and senior immunizations
- Find information about adult immunization coalitions across the U.S. and what they are doing
- Link to nationally recommended resources, including selected websites, for more information and for access to materials and educational programs developed to promote adult/senior immunizations
To review current recommendations on immunizations for adults
- Immunization Action Coalition
- Information on current travel recommendations is available from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- World Health Organization’s International Travel and Health website
- A Pathway to Leadership for Adult Immunization: Recommendations of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee
- IAC EXPRESS Newsletter
- California Immunization Branch Newsletter
- IAC Vaccinate Adults! Newsletter
Influenza Surveillance & Up to date information
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Influenza page
- CDC’s Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report
- Find a flu vaccine near you
- California Department of Public Health (CDPH) influenza page
- World Health Organization Influenza page
- County of San Diego Influenza Watch Report
- Families Fighting Flu
Additional Resources
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Immunization Schedule
- Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) information on Medicare, Medicaid and other programs
- National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
- Immunization Action Coalition’s Directory of Immunization Resources
- Immunization Action Coalition’s database of immunization coalitions throughout the U.S.
- Directory of Immunization Resources contains adult and influenza materials Immunization Action Coalition
- For California-specific information and materials on adult immunization go to California Department of Health Services Immunization Branch
- Community Health Improvement Partners (CHIP) of San Diego County’s Immunize San Diego campaign offers influenza disease and vaccine facts, public health recommendations, quizzes, and updates