California Immunization Registry

The California Immunization Registry (CAIR) is a secure, confidential, web-based database that stores the immunization records of children and adults. Immunization registries help medical practices and other health care providers keep patients of all ages up-to-date on vaccinations. The Registry supports health care providers and public health departments by collecting data on the immunization status of our communities 

                                        See below for additional information on joining CAIR, FAQ’s on how the CAIR works for you and your patients, recent changes to the Registry Statute, and if you are looking for your immunization record, we have some tips below. 

Provider Participation

Medical practices and other authorized users can access the registry by signing a confidentiality agreement and having their users trained. Staff are trained either in person or through live on line trainings and then assigned passwords to access the registry. These authorized users can then look up immunization data on their patients and update information as shots are administered. The Registry is authorized by HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE – HSC DIVISION 105. COMMUNICABLE DISEASE PREVENTION AND CONTROL [120100 – 122477] PART 2. IMMUNIZATIONS [120325 – 120480] .

Looking for information about your county or region in California? Contact your local health department’s Immunization Program: 

Requirement to Submit Immunization Data to a California Registry – AB 1797 

AB 1797, went into effect on January 1, 2023 and requires healthcare providers  who administer vaccines to enter immunizations and TB tests they administer, as well as a patient’s race and ethnicity, into a California immunization registry (CAIR or RIDE/Healthy Futures).

Template language to use in letters or announcements to alert physicians and clinic managers in your network – here. 

April 21, 2023 – CDPH Letter to California Vaccines For Children (VFC) Providers

Locating Your Vaccine Record

If you are looking for your immunization record for yourself or your child, we have three suggestions: 

  1. California now has what is called a Digital Vaccine Record (DVR) and you can find it by  going to
  2. Contact your, or your child’s healthcare provider who may be able to provide a printout or copy of your or your child’s immunization record.
  3. Contact your child’s previous school or school district to obtain a copy of their school required vaccination records. If your child has been previously enrolled in a California school or daycare, they should have a copy of their immunization history on file.

Other options include contacting your local health department’s immunization program for assistance – see button above for contact info for local health departments. 

American Immunization Registry Association

All 50 states have an Immunization Information System (IIS), or Immunization Registry. The American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA) exists to support and promote the use of immunization information to ensure healthy communities through the development and implementation of immunization information systems (IIS) as a crucial tool in preventing vaccine-preventable diseases. If you want to learn more about them, visit the About AIRA page. The American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA) has links to the work accomplished in the United States along with data on the progress of immunization registries and resources to learn more.