Infants & Toddlers

These images are free to use. Feel free to customize and share via social media platforms, websites, patient portals, emails and other ways to reach your audiences/patients. We also encourage posting pictures from your own clinic and community.  

Social Media Messages

Suggested Hashtags


Sample message 1 (Spanish below)

It’s OK to see the doctor during #covid19. Clinics are taking additional safety measures to protect your child, such as separating sick and well visits. Some clinics even offer curbside appointments. #DontWaitVaccinate

Sample Message 2 (Spanish below)

It’s time to visit the doctor! Checking your baby’s growth and development and staying up to date on immunizations, including COVID-19, are an important part of your child’s health. Schedule a checkup today. #CallYourPediatrician #DontWaitVaccinate

Sample message 3 (Spanish below)

Keeping your child up to date with vaccines is still possible, even if you don’t have health insurance. Find a VFC provider near you. #DontWaitVaccinate


Sample message 4 (Spanish below)

Worried about keeping your child healthy during #COVID19? You’re not alone. Talk with your doctor about COVID-19 vaccines for your child, staying up to date with other immunizations, getting a blood lead screening, and checking your child’s growth and development. #CallYourDoctor #DontWaitVaccinate


Sample message 5

Make sure your baby is ready for childcare and up to date on their shots, including COVID-19. When you take your baby for a COVID-19 vaccine, ask their doctor if they are due for any other vaccines. #DontWaitVaccinate

Sample message 6 (Spanish below)

COVID-19 vaccination can provide parents greater confidence with their children participating in childcare, school, and other activities. COVID-19 vaccines can protect against serious illness. #DontWaitVaccinate


Sample message 7

It’s time! Don’t delay your child’s checkup and immunizations any longer. Shots prevent many dangerous diseases that spread in our community, including measles, COVID-19, and whooping cough. #DontWaitVaccinate

Sample message 8

Getting your baby immunized is more important than ever. As your child enters daycare, getting vaccinated can prevent the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases like measles, COVID-19, and whopping cough. #DontWaitVaccinate

Sample message 9

Routine vaccination rates dropped drastically during the pandemic, and many still need to get caught up! Low vaccination rates can put you and those around you at risk of getting sick from serious diseases. #DontWaitVaccinate

Spanish Social Media Messages

Suggested Hashtags



Sample message 1 - Spanish

Está bien consultar al médico durante la pandemia de #covid19. Las clínicas están tomando medidas de seguridad adicionales para proteger a su hijo, como separar las consultas de niños por control y por enfermedad. Algunas clínicas incluso ofrecen las citas en el borde de la acera. #NoEspereAVacunarse

Sample message 2 - Spanish

¡Es hora de volver al doctor! La evaluación del crecimiento y desarrollo de su bebé al igual que mantenerl@ al día con sus vacunas, incluyendo la vacuna contra el COVID-19, es una parte importante de la salud de su hij@. Programe el chequeo médico para su hij@ hoy mismo. #LlameASuPediatra #NoEspereAVacunarl@

Sample message 3 - Spanish

Es posible mantener a su hij@ al día con las vacunas, incluso si no tiene seguro médico. Encuentre un proveedor de VFC cerca de usted. #NoEspereAVacunarl@

Sample message 4 - Spanish

¿Preocupado por mantener saludable a su hij@ durante el #COVID19? No está sólo. Hable con su doctor acerca de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 para su hij@, cómo mantenerl@ al día con otras vacunas, la prueba de plomo y el crecimiento y desarrollo de su hij@. #LlameASuPediatra #NoEspereAVacunarl@

Sample message 6 - Spanish

La vacunación contra el COVID-19 puede hacer que los padres se sientan más a gusto cuando sus hijos asisten a la guardería, la escuela o participan en otras actividades. Las vacunas COVID-19 pueden proteger contra enfermedades graves. #NoEspereAVacunarl@

Messages to Personalize with own Pictures

Sample message 1

We’re going to the doctor for our vaccines before school starts! #DontWaitVaccinate

Sample message 2

My kids are all caught up on their vaccines and ready for the first day of school! #DontWaitVaccinate

Sample message 3

We’re going to the doctor for our COVID-19 vaccines! #DontWaitVaccinate

Sample message 4

I heard some families got behind on shots for their kids. I’m calling the doctor to beat the rush for back-to-school vaccinations. #DontWaitVaccinate